Glenn is being creative. He is busy composing his " EPIC TRIBUTE TO NEWCASTLE 1969". Our visit has triggered a wave of nostalgia for his first car and surfing safaris. It is very funny if only he can finish it. ....I can't wait any longer and have barged in with my own blog.
What do we do with our selves when waiting for good sailing conditions to help us travel up north? We always have jobs to do to keep Sea Trek III afloat and ship shape. I have told most people that I felt that we left Sydney's electricity supply far too soon: I had lots of projects that required a power cord/source, and had no time to complete them. Newcastle Marina made me very happy: ST3 now has line bags, my own design of course, but with practical and simple features.
AND The most amazing thing has happened to Glenn. He willingly attempted the traditional craft of sail mending, and I think he did really well. The stitches may not be pretty but they are very strong. This loop holds a cringle for the main sail.
We finally started to clean the "out of sight, out of mind things". The photo below shows something that surprised us both. It is not a poor excuse for a flower arrangement. It 's our speed log that protrudes from the boat's hull and calculates our speed through the water. Could this explain a few of our miscalculations???
Lots of things have changed for us. We no longer have a car to help us gather food. We are getting used to the trolley, but sometimes Glenn forgets and as we walked past this popular fast food outlet...
I think that he may not have been the first sailor to have make this mistake. Newcastle is full of basic instructions on how to walk.
Newcastle has been renovated since I last visited. It's extensive foreshores are now paved and the lights have beautiful black granite bases. The secure marina is really well presented and a walk to the bathrooms with my towel and shampoo involved passing several restaurants etc.
Just to let you know that when in port I drink REAL COFFEE and there really is no substitute when at sea.
A big thank you to the winner of the "name the pesky duck" contest. I know that the Prince of Whales has been trying to find a way to use Glenn's surname for one of our vessels. LUV-A-DUCK for our inflatable dinghy /rubber duckie. Thanks. It's a gem.
Our latest location
At last a win for me!!!!